Monday, March 13, 2006


What does 'identity' mean?


Blogger Rob McCleary said...

Oh YEAH! Sorry I took so long to respond, I had a "falling out" with my blog this aft...

Good question...I think I'm just a tangled mess of half-informed opinions, idealized pictures of my physical self, cooking in a hearty stew of anxiety and fear of death. I want people to like me, but I'm not really interested in expending a lot of energy to make that happen. I filter out every piece of information that doesn't fit my pre-biased views of the world (my reality). And if you try and change me in any way...I'LL GO APE SHIT ON YOUR ASS!

6:47 p.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...


Well, thank you, Rob McCleary, for that refreshing burst of personal reality. I think we can all identify with that. What?

It was on the tip of my tongue.

7:10 p.m.  

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