Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Power Lines!

'Power Station'

You wanted power lines? You got power lines!

'Tower of Power'

'Godzilla Fence'



Blogger Rob McCleary said...

Hello Mr. Bill.

We are coming to you life from Paradise.

Dig this.

Went to class at Emily Carr last night . Every year they have a student art auction, and they had the stuff to go under the gavel up in a gallery there...and it was AMAZING!

I've been thinking about your pictures. Have you ever thought of making a sort of "mosaic" of them - (maybe one inch shots all placed on a larger matte?).

The other thing: there were a lot of photos printed on watercolour paper. I don't know if you've seen it, but it had an awesome effect of just ever so slightly blurring the edges of the shapes. I immediately thought of your pictures.

I don't know exactly how it's done, but I'm guessing it's just a matter of putting a high grade (cold press?) watercolour paper in a photo-quality printer.

Anyway, I thought your stuff would not be out of place among all the stuff I saw there.

10:21 a.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

Thanks, Rob.

I just need the money.

11:38 a.m.  

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