Friday, November 10, 2006

Goth Boots

At the risk of sounding super square - what gives with those elevator goth boots?

Have you seen those crazee kids trying to ambulate on the monster foam foot pads? We're approaching 16th Century Venetian chopine territory here.

A University of Toronto webpage talks about history's extreme foot fetish wear:
Exceptionally wealthy noble women in Venice demonstrated their superiority in a material way by wearing on their bodies extravagant items, including very tall chopines. The more restrictive to movement the platforms were, the higher the status of the woman (just like the Chinese believed in relation to the tiniest, thus most prized, feet).

Wiki tells me Goth is more about aesthetics than ethics or politics. Okay, so maybe it's a little sexy but let's be practical for a moment, kids. How fast can you run away from that gang of skinheads? Venice, gateway to the orient, was different times, babe.


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