Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ditch The Black

What gives with all the black clothing all the time?

I ducked into Hipster Depot (aka The Drake Hotel) on my way home from the hockey game. Full disclosure, there were some super hot chicks in the window. Anyway, I asked one of the gals if it was a wedding reception. No, it was a company thing. I commented on the black attire generally and asked what company. Holt Renfrew. Renfrew is the sort of clothing chain where you go to buy $100 underwear.

Humans can be such slaves to fashion. Conformity is the new black.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


There is something about the "little black dress" that I don't truly understand. I think it stems from Holly Golightly in "Breakfast At Tiffany's" -- 1961. (Before my time) There was a great commercial a couple of years ago about some guys in drag in "little black dresses" at a formal party. One guy shoewed up in slacks, they were amazed. It was a fitting parody. I guess it just goes to show that fashion is cyclical.


6:21 p.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...


Then check out Toronto's Little Black Dress Shop...

Can't argue with sexy.

7:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so desperate for internet excitement, that I checked out that black dress link.


7:19 p.m.  

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