Sunday, December 10, 2006


'Tower of Plonk'

My slobby, blobby 'Tower of Plonk'. In an attempt to drink less wine, I reasoned if I bought a 4 litre box of red wine, I would have the occasional glass of wine with meals and random cheese sampling. It's nice not to go through the whole ceremony of uncorking just to get a glass. But, one does tend to lead to another at the moment.

The vacuum spigot keeps the wine fresh, sitting as it does on top of my fridge, and will theoretically be as good as new for months. Haven't been able to test the longevity claim quite yet.

Painting the box, and just replacing the internal bag of wine, gives the 'Tower of Plonk' a being's presence in my pad. Just hope I don't start talking to the thing. When the wine runs out I go in search of plonk like a caveman in search of extinguished fire.


Blogger Rob McCleary said...

Hey Mr. Bill,

Haven't been able to comment on your blog for a while - something weird happened with the "identity" thing. Love your gigantic tower of wine. Reminds me of those medievil Inns with the keg and spigot action.

3:34 p.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

Art Slob was recently switched to the new 'beta' version, Rob.

Sorry if it has caused you some troubles. Don't get me started on the hassles it's given me.

5:47 p.m.  
Blogger Cinesonic said...

Monsieur Bill,
Love the tower of plonk! But I think if I ever tried to bring one of those things into my house my sister the wine expert would have me killed!

11:55 a.m.  
Blogger Bill P said...

Me, I try not to be too particular about what I eat or drink.

Yeah, snobs are hard to take with anything.

12:52 p.m.  
Blogger Cinesonic said...

Me either, e.g. I'm very happy having a bowl of frozen peas for dinner, hah!

9:50 a.m.  

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