Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cat Hair Wars!

Just finished a cat-sitting session over at my buddy, Skipper's pad.

I like Meow Meow, but cat hair gets all over me and my clothes. I end up using Skipper's sticky-tape rollers over my face before I go crazy.

Sure, I use the hair brush like a madman, but there has to be another way! Maybe some sort of vacuum chamber where the cat can go and all the hair gets sucked away....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once I knew this dude who's upstairs insane neighbor kept 30 cats.

Fleas would practically be falling through the floor.

The endless kittens weren't cute either. They were just cats, but smaller.

5:59 p.m.  
Blogger pushingtide said...

Good to see you back Slobby. Maybe you never left but it felt like you did.

12:56 p.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

Thanks, Pushy.

Think I'm gonna catch me some tasty wave pics.

2:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Little Buddy, any leads on where I can pick up one of those chambers for kitty? Thanks, Skipper.

8:52 a.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

I found out they sell these vacuum chambers - and it removes the hair...

...only thing is, the cats don't survive the operation. Sort of a 'final solution'.

Back to the drawing board.

9:34 a.m.  

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