Sunday, December 02, 2007

Mantra Generator

So, I'm trying to do some meditation. But first I need a mantra.

I go to this on-line mantra generator which serves up some random mantras. My problem is...most of the mantras are so long it's hard for me to remember. Why struggle to remember when you're trying to relax?

For example...
OM Sri Ramaya Namah (Rama epitomizes the relationship between spouses)

Vyam Vashishthaya Namah (Maharishi Vashistha prayer whose Holy Spirit is Omnipresent)

OM Sri Hanumate Namah (Hanuman is the perfection of devotion)

How am I supposed to remember those? Whatever happened to "OOOOOMMMMMM"?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just work with some of the egomaniacs I have to.

I'm not really allowed to cuss them out(they're too precious), so instead I just sit there, meditating on all kinds of things.

Then again, as a kid I constantly daydreamed in school.

It's all basically the same process.

2:13 p.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

I did the same thing in the rare high school detentions. It was a gift, really.

Do you work in show business?

8:20 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's all basically the same process."

Not really.

4:58 p.m.  

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