Friday, February 15, 2008

'Onro' Painting: Start and Finish

Here's a quick snap of my first paint gestures on the canvas.

I like to get something down as it comes intuitively. Then, sit back and feel my way forward.

I'll post the finished painting when complete.

And here it is...

Finish ('Onro' Bill Pocock, 2008) 107 cm x 107 cm

Hard to believe the initial black on gesso brush strokes would lead to the finished white over gray 'Onro' painting. At various stages along the way, I made decisions which radically changed the image. My method seems to be building up a painting on ruins as if it were an ancient city. Each is related to the other and are interconnected.

The first thing I did was flip the 'start' canvas upside down.


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