Tuesday, March 14, 2006

'Pole 1' (A Photo Art Series)

I'm very excited to begin my photo art series 'Pole' with this post. One of my many obsessions is telegraph, telephone, electrical pole bases. Am I the only one who finds these babies awe inspiring?

At right is one of my favourite pole bases (Dovercourt, south of Queen St.). Look at the magnificence!

Now I realize some government subsidized art theory college professor might take one look at this and say 'phallus'. Well...I create the art. The critics must comment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I demand my money back!!


8:07 a.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

The customer is always right at Art Slob.

Refunds with receipt less freight, administration fees, and carrying charges.

Have a nice day!

8:19 a.m.  
Blogger Rob McCleary said...

Billy, this is AWESOME!

I totally love it!

I once spent a day with my new digital camera (which Shannon subsequently dropped and smashed on the Great Wall of China - there's no punchline here, just me sobbing quietly) wandering around your 'hood on Queen West taking pictures of manhole covers.

Something about the steel and wood and industrial nightmare of Toronto just sort of makes sense (or maybe I'm just homesick...).

In other news...there's a comment on the Barefoot Artist, and if you check them out and go through their links it's kinda cool. Check it out.

This blogging is TOTALLY addictive!

10:02 a.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

Am I crying? I wouldn't be surprised.

11:22 a.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

Now I think it has something to do with my disabled leg.

3:25 p.m.  

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