Monday, March 03, 2008

'Killer' Knut

Came across a hilarious news headline from London's Daily Mail...

Still think I'm cute? One year on, cuddly Knut has turned into a 22st killing machine

Killer Knut
So the cute and cuddly 'Knut' polar bear at the Berlin Zoo is one year old and is doing what comes naturally. Guess we shouldn't feel too bad about the polar bears kicking the bucket as the polar cap recedes - all they want to do is chew on little kids.

Cute Knut


Blogger katrocket said...

Aw c'mon. Dangling fresh baby in front of him is a cruel tease.

7:19 a.m.  
Blogger ginger b said...

I dunno...

I think if given the chance that little kid would chew on him too.

7:32 a.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

That's just what the kid wants - to draw Knut in, have a false sense of security.

It's hard to say who would prevail in a ThunderDome, spring-loaded cage match between the little kid and Knut.

Knut's got claws and teeth, but what weapons would the kid choose - other than cunning....

Two go in, one come out.

10:52 a.m.  

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