Tuesday, March 14, 2006

'Surf Break' ('If I Had a Billion Dollars' series)

The Toronto waterfront is in the midst of 5-year project. The idea is to extend the surf breakwall some 30 metres further into Lake Ontario. I asked one of the flatbed truckers (who transport 5 - 6 boulders six hours from Muskoka per round trip) what the budget was.

"One billion dollars. Worst waste of taxpayers' money I've ever seen. The dragon boaters wanted more room to race".

Still, I think there's some good pictures to be had. These boulders, I call 'Surf Break' are lifted individually off the flatbed trucks by a huge crane one at a time at an average rate of 2 minutes per boulder.

This pile of boulders will be moved from the walk and bike paths they cover by April 1st, "So the yuppies can come down here and walk their dogs", says buddy.


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