Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Art & TV

I was watching a TV show the other day. It was about human relationships. Then I found out from somebody in the industry it had just been cancelled. Why? Because they could cost two shows for the price of that one. Now there's only two ways you can go with rock bottom prices for talent and production and improve your return on investment within a conservative margin of error. You either sell the T&A or the fear. We all know they get eyes on the screen, but I'd like to think that a broadcaster with its snout in the trough would serve up something better than what is, at best, porn without the money shots, or worse, exploitation in b-movie drag.

Whaever happened to those hinterland shows about the marmots, arctic fox and whatever the-hell else?


Blogger Rob McCleary said...

I almost went on an anti TV rant today but stopped myself - feels like sinking into a tar pit. I got set off by seeing an article about Doodlebops and what a "success" it was because it had merchandising tie-ins. That has got to be the worst kids show in creation. But I guess when all that matters is the dough...

love the picture...

8:43 p.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

Thanks, buddy!

9:38 p.m.  

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