Wednesday, March 15, 2006

RIP: Vince Vaitiekunas

Rest In Peace

Vince Vaitiekunas
Professor, York University

? - 2006

A Most Worthy Adversary


Blogger Cinesonic said...

Hey Mr. Bill,
It was very strange finding out that Vince had passed away like I did at work. We had some PA's in calling the entirety of our membership to remind them to come to the AGM, Vince was in the Director category. One of the PA's was sitting beside me all day at work making calls and at one point I hear a I'm soooo sorry, so I ask who it is who had just passed away and it turned out to be Vince. Weird how these things happen....

2:27 p.m.  
Blogger Bill Pocock said...

Art Slob would like to make a retraction: It was, in fact, Mary Juric who learned of VV's death while working at the Director's Guild of Canada.

Thank you very much for the news, Mary. My apologies. The way I read my gmail account I mistakenly though Dave's email was the first.


4:22 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Art Slob,

Bravo for your intricate obit for VV, Hammy the Hamster will remember, the memorial break wall will rival the original Mausoleum of ancient Greece. - - You're looking healthy

Crazy Talk

3:11 p.m.  

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