Sunday, March 16, 2008

Time Out

I'm moving!

The new pad has no Internet connection, so posts will be few and far between for a while.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Alaskan Polar Bear Heater

Winter blues got you down?

'Alaskan Polar Bear Heater' (This drinkie's for the old folks - sorry, kiddies)
  • 2 shots of vodka
  • a little rum
  • some bitters
  • a smidgen of vinegar
  • a shot of vermouth
  • a shot of gin
  • a shot of scotch
  • a little brandy
  • a lemon peel
  • orange peel
  • cherry
  • some more scotch
  • mix nice

Bill's Ice Hotel

As much as I enjoy the rustic charm of my artist's garret, it's time to move on.

Behold, my new swank digs. Many of our friends south of the border have never seen a typical Canadian snow chalet.

They're quite popular up here in the wintertime.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pimp Hand

Still from Jodorowsky's Holy Mountain
Came across the hilarious on-line Urban Dictionary.

Of the 15 definitions of 'Pimp Hand' on offer, I think this one covers it...


1. (n.) A sign of virility, strength or social efficacy. An informal measure of one's ability to mack, pimp, or generally to get play, action or get your freak on. Generally characterized as "strong" or "weak."
2. To "exercise one's pimp hand": to increase one's skill at short-term sexual interactions, or to demonstrate such.
3. One's ability to control one's bitches.
4. A back-handed slap, used to emphasize superiority, or a forthcoming need to choke a bitch.

1. Damn, son! Yo' ass picked up some *fine* bitches last night! Yo' pimp hand is strong!
2. You're losing your touch, man. Come out to the club tonight so we can exercise your pimp hand.
3. His strong pimp hand keeps his hos in line.
4. You gonna take that shit?! Introduce yo' pimp hand to that bitch ass motherfucker!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Gallery Crawl: Bring on the Paper Horses

Here's the latest edition of Gallery Crawl served up both hot and cold.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Snowdown in Toronto

Another fun round of snow dump in Hogtown this weekend.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I walked through the park.... Some nutty film students put a sofa and a couple of young actors in t-shirts outside to do a scene. The poor actress sat freezing as a wankjobpunk director pondered the camera placement.


Friday, March 07, 2008

An Artist's Life

Ever wonder what an artist's garret looks like?

Well, the ceiling looks like this...

"The ceiling's falling!"

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Consolation of Old Age

What do I look forward to in my Autumn years?

French New Wave movies I have yet to see.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

InSite: Temporary Public Art

Was thinking about doing some public art yesterday - paint doesn't dry too well below 10 Celsius - and came across an organization in Milwaukee called InSite (visit website here).

InSite acts as an artist/community g0-between to arrange the installation of temporary public art in the community.

Ah, heck, I'll let one of the founders explain it (see video here).

It's a great idea!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Gallery Crawl - Leap Day Edition

Wandered out on a gallery crawl this cold February 29th in search of great art.

Here's what I found...

'Killer' Knut

Came across a hilarious news headline from London's Daily Mail...

Still think I'm cute? One year on, cuddly Knut has turned into a 22st killing machine

Killer Knut
So the cute and cuddly 'Knut' polar bear at the Berlin Zoo is one year old and is doing what comes naturally. Guess we shouldn't feel too bad about the polar bears kicking the bucket as the polar cap recedes - all they want to do is chew on little kids.

Cute Knut
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