Thursday, December 27, 2007

Krylon: Crystal Clear

This episode of Art Slob is brought to you in part by Krylon Crystal Clear fixative spray.

I did some charcoal drawing on canvas and wanted to make sure the charcoal wouldn't smudge ever after. So, off I went to Woolfitt's art supply and grabbed the Crystal Clear spray. Did the spray outside - between snow falls - and it dried in a few minutes. Toxic fumes continue, so I'm leaving it outside to air out.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Threshold Experience

Came across a Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote which I like.
The threshold is the place of expectation.
That's true for all of my new experiences. Interesting that sacred Japanese thresholds are guarded by demons. Only for the brave.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Let's Go Surfin'

Don't you wanna go?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Homestar Runner

Recently checked out my fave on-line flash cartoon - Homestar Runner - and they still got it.

The Brothers Chaps can still kick out the whack cartoon comedy after seven years. The Strong Bad animated sb emails are beyond bizarre.

As a former deck builder, I highly recommend Homestar building a deck with no hands.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Management Guru

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brand Me?

I'm reading this Tom Peters book, "The Brand You". And...not sure if I want to nod at his sage wisdom, or laugh. It's all about being creative and dynamic in a dinosaur corporate world.
ALWAYS be on the lookout for Talent. Cool Dudes/Dudettes to Hang With...Conspire with...Learn From. Any time you come across any interesting Dudes/Dudettes... recruit them. (Think Che Guevara).
So let's see the buddies together...

'Tom and Che'

What would Che think?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cat Hair Wars!

Just finished a cat-sitting session over at my buddy, Skipper's pad.

I like Meow Meow, but cat hair gets all over me and my clothes. I end up using Skipper's sticky-tape rollers over my face before I go crazy.

Sure, I use the hair brush like a madman, but there has to be another way! Maybe some sort of vacuum chamber where the cat can go and all the hair gets sucked away....


Sunday, December 09, 2007

"What Would Jesus Buy?"

San Francisco performance artist and anti-consumer activist, the amazing Reverend Billy, brings his secular crusade into movie theaters just in time for Christmas.

"What Would Jesus Buy?" is a feature documentary on the good reverend's cross-country street performances to encourage people to shop less at multi-national retailers (WalMart, Starbucks, Home Depot, etc.) and buy local. While incredibly funny and charismatic, I think his point is potent and well made. He's made me a believer. Amen, Reverend Billy!

Read The Onion interview here.

See the trailer here.

Monday, December 03, 2007

"Death of a Disco Grocery Bag" - the video!

Love the new Blogger video service....

Now you too can watch my award-winning "Death of a Disco Grocery Bag"

'Death of a Disco Grocery Bag' by Bill Pocock

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Mantra Generator

So, I'm trying to do some meditation. But first I need a mantra.

I go to this on-line mantra generator which serves up some random mantras. My problem is...most of the mantras are so long it's hard for me to remember. Why struggle to remember when you're trying to relax?

For example...
OM Sri Ramaya Namah (Rama epitomizes the relationship between spouses)

Vyam Vashishthaya Namah (Maharishi Vashistha prayer whose Holy Spirit is Omnipresent)

OM Sri Hanumate Namah (Hanuman is the perfection of devotion)

How am I supposed to remember those? Whatever happened to "OOOOOMMMMMM"?

Straw Robot

I embrace the fast forward assault on our minds to handle the Future Now! as much as the next guy.

But I find something deeply unsettling about this photo of a new Japanese robot offering a straw. Nothing so innocent seemed so ominous.

The eyes are sinister, but not for long....
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